Publikationen - 1979-2000
- (2000) Long-term effect of dentin primers on enamel bond strength and marginal adaptation. Oper Dent. 2000;25(1): 11-9
- (2000) Dentin bond strength and marginal adaption after NaOCl pre-treatment. Oper Dent. 2000;25(1): 40-5
- (2000) Repair strength of etched vs silica-coated metal-ceramic and all-ceramic restorations. Oper Dent. 2000;25(3): 209-15
- (2000) Technique sensitivity of dentin bonding: effect of application mistakes on bond strength and marginal adaptation. Oper Dent. 2000;25(4): 324-30
- (2000) Leucite-reinforced glass ceramic inlays and onlays after six years: clinical behavior. Oper Dent. 2000;25(6): 459-65
- (2000) Leucite-reinforced glass ceramic inlays after six years: wear of luting composites. Oper Dent. 2000;25(6): 466-72
- (2000) New trends in dentin/enamel adhesion. Am J Dent. 2000;13(Spec No): 25D-30D
- (2000) Adhesive luting of indirect restorations. Am J Dent. 2000;13(Spec No): 60D-76D
- (2000) A new screening test for toxicity testing of dental materials. J Dent. 2000;28(5): 341-5
- (2000) Calcium ion release of a new "smart" resin composite. J Dent Res. 2000;79(): 162-162
- (2000) Subcritical crack growth parameters of three dental ceramics J Dent Res. 2000;79(): 272-272
- (2000) Composite restorations with a new adhesive system - Two year results. J Dent Res. 2000;79(): 272-272
- (2000) In vivo margin analysis of compomers in classes I and II cavities. J Dent Res. 2000;79(): 360-360
- (2000) Microtensile bond strength to primary dentin after chemomechanical caries removal J Dent Res. 2000;79(): 372-372
- (2000) Cyclic fatigue of different polyacid-modified composites (Compomers). J Dent Res. 2000;79(): 450-450
- (2000) Influence of sample preparation on elution of monomers. J Dent Res. 2000;79(): 451-451
- (2000) Wear and antagonist wear of ceramic materials. J Dent Res. 2000;79(): 541-541
- (2000) Clinical behavior of Solitaire (R): 1-year results. J Dent Res. 2000;79(): 185-185
- (1999) Crack formation of all-ceramic crowns dependent on different core build-up and luting materials. J Dent. 1999;27(3): 175-81
- (1999) IPS Empress inlays and onlays after four years--a clinical study. J Dent. 1999;27(5): 325-31
- (1999) Fatigue behaviour of different dentin adhesives. Clin Oral Investig. 1999;3(1): 11-7
- (1999) Internal adaptation and overhang formation of direct Class II resin composite restorations. Clin Oral Investig. 1999;3(4): 208-15
- (1999) Dentin bond strength and marginal adaptation: direct composite resins vs ceramic inlays. Oper Dent. 1999;24(3): 147-55
- (1999) Direct posterior composite restorations with a new adhesive system: one-year results. J Adhes Dent. 1999;1(2): 167-73
- (1999) Elution parameters and HPLC-detection of single components from resin composite. Clin Oral Investig. 1999;3(4): 194-200
- (1998) Evaluation of subsurface damage in CAD/CAM machined dental ceramics. J Mater Sci Mater Med. 1998;9(5): 291-5
- (1998) Total bonding of direct posterior composite restorations - One year results. J Dent Res. 1998;77(5): 1227-1227
- (1998) Dentin permeability of glucose and formaldehyde. J Dent Res. 1998;77(5): 1248-1248
- (1998) Toothbrush wear behaviour of different luting composites. J Dent Res. 1998;77(5): 1257-1257
- (1998) Luting composite resin behaviour in vivo - Four year results. J Dent Res. 1998;77(5): 1257-1257
- (1998) Evaluation of the luting gap: Computer based system vs. model analyses J Dent Res. 1998;77(5): 1257-1257
- (1998) Identification of ingredients of a commercially available composite. J Dent Res. 1998;77(5): 1260-1260
- (1998) Bond strengths of luting composites to IPS Empress after silica coating J Dent Res. 1998;77(): 678-678
- (1998) Internal compressive stress increases fracture toughness of leucite reinforced ceramics. J Dent Res. 1998;77(): 682-682
- (1998) Push-out dentin bond strength of modern adhesives after NaOCl-pretreatment. J Dent Res. 1998;77(): 683-683
- (1998) A clinical study on Ca(OH)(2)-releasing gutta percha points. J Dent Res. 1998;77(): 696-696
- (1998) Push-out dentin bond strength of ceramic inlays using different luting modes J Dent Res. 1998;77(): 815-815
- (1998) Pin-on-disc abrasion - results from composite and compomers J Dent Res. 1998;77(): 816-816
- (1998) Penetration of different glass ionomer pit and fissure sealants. J Dent Res. 1998;77(): 893-893
- (1998) Abrasion parameters of Solitaire (R) J Dent Res. 1998;77(): 915-915
- (1998) Influence of surface roughness on strength of machinable dental materials. J Dent Res. 1998;77(): 941-941
- (1998) Marginal behaviour of totally bonded posterior composite restorations in vivo. J Dent Res. 1998;77(): 954-954
- (1998) Wear of luting composites in vivo. J Dent Res. 1998;77(): 957-957
- (1997) Viscous glass-ionomer cements: a new alternative to amalgam in the primary dentition? Quintessence Int. 1997;28(10): 667-76
- (1997) CD36 (OKM5) antigen expression on human mucosal epithelia is associated with keratinization type. J Dermatol. 1997;24(7): 435-40
- (1997) [Mechanical fatigue behavior of glass and ceramics] Biomed Tech (Berl). 1997;42 Suppl(): 47-8
- (1997) Residual stress measurements of computer aided design/computer aided manufacturing (CAD CAM) machined dental ceramics J Mater Sci. 1997;32(23): 6235-6242
- (1997) A new testing design to determine bond strength to dentin. J Dent Res. 1997;76(): 3220-3220
- (1996) Immunohistochemical localization of very late activation integrins in healthy and diseased human gingiva. J Periodontal Res. 1996;31(1): 36-42
- (1996) Comparison of two- and three-body wear of glass-ionomers and composites. Eur J Oral Sci. 1996;104(2 ( Pt 1)): 132-7
- (1995) Variational expression of functionally different macrophage markers (27E10, 25F9, RM3/1) in normal gingiva and inflammatory periodontal disease. J Clin Periodontol. 1995;22(5): 341-6
- (1994) [Expression of the OKM5 antigen (CD36) in normal keratinocytes and inflamed mucosa] Immun Infekt. 1994;22(2): 62-3
- (1994) Clinical investigation into the incidence of direct damage to the lingual nerve caused by local anaesthesia. J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 1994;22(5): 294-6
- (1993) Experience with midazolam as sedative in the dental treatment of uncooperative children. ASDC J Dent Child. 1993;60(4-5): 295-9
- (1993) In vivo bonding of orthodontic brackets with glass ionomer cement. Angle Orthod. 1993;63(2): 149-53
- (1992) [The factors affecting the risk for the loss of resin-bonded bridges] Schweiz Monatsschr Zahnmed. 1992;102(4): 416-21
- (1991) [Individually controlled sedation using Midazolam] Dtsch Zahnarztl Z. 1991;46(2): 142-4
- (1991) [Treatment of deciduous teeth under rectal Midazolam sedation] Dtsch Zahnarztl Z. 1991;46(9): 609-11
- (1991) [High volume vs. activated root canal irrigation] Dtsch Zahnarztl Z. 1991;46(4): 285-7
- (1991) [Adverse side effects of amalgam? An interdisciplinary study] Dtsch Zahnarztl Z. 1991;46(8): 542-4
- (1990) [Possibilities of crowning damaged primary teeth] ZWR. 1990;99(5): 367-71
- (1990) [Middle course between group and individual preventive programs] Dtsch Zahnarztl Z. 1990;45(11): 706-9
- (1990) [SEM study of radiogenic caries] Dtsch Zahnarztl Z. 1990;45(7): 425-7
- (1990) [Drying of root canals] Dtsch Zahnarztl Z. 1990;45(4): 222-6
- (1990) [Stress profile during curing contraction of composite resin adhesives] Dtsch Zahnarztl Z. 1990;45(11): 699-700
- (1990) [Chances for the intraoral use of screen films?] Dtsch Zahnarztl Z. 1990;45(11): 719-21
- (1990) [The problem of tooth hypersensitivity following the placement of acid-etch retained inlays] Dtsch Zahnarztl Z. 1990;45(11): 740-2
- (1990) [Interaction of dental treatment anxiety and oral health] Dtsch Zahnarztl Z. 1990;45(10): 636-8
- (1990) [The influence of cavity preparation on the width of marginal gaps in Cerec inlays] Dtsch Zahnarztl Z. 1990;45(10): 675-7
- (1990) [Fine polishing of Cerec inlays using diamond polishing systems] Dtsch Zahnarztl Z. 1990;45(10): 680-2
- (1990) [Precision of the Cerec-System: the milling unit] Dtsch Zahnarztl Z. 1990;45(5): 277-80
- (1989) [Cermet cements for milk tooth fillings. Preliminary results]. Dtsch Zahnarztl Z. 1989;44(6): 444-5
- (1989) [In vitro studies on the quality of proximal margins of Cermet fillings in posterior teeth] Dtsch Zahnarztl Z. 1989;44(9): 717-9
- (1989) [Do root canal filling materials enter dentin tubules?] Dtsch Zahnarztl Z. 1989;44(11): 826-9
- (1989) [Endodontics: mechanical or manual methods? Preparation and cleaning of root canals] Dtsch Zahnarztl Z. 1989;44(6): 407-13
- (1989) [Sequelae of unsecured elastic bands (the status after 7 years)] Fortschr Kieferorthop. 1989;50(5): 377-83
- (1988) [Post-treatment evaluation of fillings with Cermet cement (Ketac-Silver)] Dtsch Zahnarztl Z. 1988;43(8): 851-3
- (1988) [Smear layer and dentine moisture after the preparation of the root canal] Dtsch Zahnarztl Z. 1988;43(11): 1139-47
- (1988) [Sensitivity problems following mandibular conduction anesthesia] Dtsch Zahnarztl Z. 1988;43(11): 1159-61
- (1988) [The tightness of root fillings in smear-free root canals] Dtsch Zahnarztl Z. 1988;43(8): 884-6
- (1987) Protein content and wet weight of plaque microsamples. Caries Res. 1987;21(3): 200-3
- (1987) [Root canal preparation using sonic-activated instruments] Dtsch Zahnarztl Z. 1987;42(1): 72-5
- (1987) [Adhesion of root canal sealers with and without smear layer] Dtsch Zahnarztl Z. 1987;42(8): 743-6
- (1986) [Impaction of teeth from an orthodontic point of view] Dtsch Zahnarztl Z. 1986;41(2): 164-70
- (1986) [Electronic inhibition of nerve impulse transmission in the human dental pulp] Dtsch Zahnarztl Z. 1986;41(2): 185-7
- (1986) [Bacteria in the root canal wall of gangrenous pulp] Dtsch Zahnarztl Z. 1986;41(8): 772-7
- (1986) [Periodontal aspects of restorative measures] Dtsch Zahnarztl Z. 1986;41(10): 899-905
- (1986) [Electric inhibition of excitation of the dental pulp as illustrated by vital extirpation] Dtsch Zahnarztl Z. 1986;41(10): 1034-7
- (1986) [Dentin after various preparations in vivo] Dtsch Zahnarztl Z. 1986;41(2): 245-9
- (1986) [Instruments in endodontics. Introductory review] Dtsch Zahnarztl Z. 1986;41(8): 769-71
- (1985) [Effect of various technics and materials on the fit and homogeneity of root canal fillings (SEM study)] Dtsch Zahnarztl Z. 1985;40(3): 304-7
- (1985) [Fit of various root canal filling materials using the central cone technic (SEM study)] Dtsch Zahnarztl Z. 1985;40(3): 308-11
- (1985) [An improved method for the production of root canal preparations for scanning electron microscopy studies] Dtsch Zahnarztl Z. 1985;40(3): 344-6
- (1985) [Smear layer after root canal preparation (SEM studies)] Dtsch Zahnarztl Z. 1985;40(8): 845-9
- (1982) [Acid-etching technic with conventionally prepared cavities] Dtsch Zahnarztl Z. 1982;37(2): 169-72
- (1981) [Scanning electron microscopic studies of abrasion facets in the enamel and dentin] Dtsch Zahnarztl Z. 1981;36(1): 51-4
- (1980) [Mercury concentrations in blood and urine in persons with and without amalgam fillings] Dtsch Zahnarztl Z. 1980;35(8): 803-8
- (1979) [Uses of the occlusal registration instrument (ORI)]. Dtsch Zahnarztl Z. 1979;34(5): 417-20